Well, freshman year is officially over with.
And I know this is going to sound super cheesy... but I've learned more than I thought imaginable about way more than just what I was taught in my classes.
The last month of the spring semester was one of the most influential months of the year. Actually, it's not even a stretch to say it was one of the most influential months of my whole life.
A friend of mine died unexpectedly in her dorm room at school. I remember the night I found out so perfectly. My grandma had just gotten out of the nursing home and it was her first night in her very own apartment. My mom was incredibly nervous about it so I came home for the night incase she wanted to go stay the night there, I don't know how I would have gotten through the night if I hadn't been at home. Around 2:30 in the morning I texted my friend out of the blue about a conversation I had with a boy, she responded so quickly but it wasn't with nearly what I was expecting. The only thing she said was "Kaitlyn died tonight". Seeing as how it was a Saturday night, I instantly thought she was joking about something stupid. I joked back but when she called me I realized that she was not kidding and that this was very real.
It was something that was natural. Something completely unexpected. Something that no one could have seen coming. My heart hurt, it still hurts and I imagine it will hurt for a long time. I'm not sure I've fully grasped that she's not here anymore, even after being at her funeral and seeing her laying in her coffin at only 19 years old. It's still something that can't possibly have actually happened. Not to Kaitlyn, not to my friend.
It's impacted my life more than anything else that could have possibly happened this year. My views on things have changed in ways I couldn't be more grateful for now. We've all heard things like "life is a gift", "it's a privilege", "it can be taken from you at any minute". Until now, I always thought oh please, that's not going to happen to me that's just something people say to make you do something. But it's true. Oh it is so very true.
At the time of all this, I had been upset about a guy. We had recently broken up and it was hard for me to accept the fact that we weren't going to be able to continue being friends anymore. It was the main thing I would think about. There were also weird vibes going on with my roommate since she was never there much. Even though these seem like small problems, I was starting to feel so lost and so lonely. To put it in the terms I used back in middle school, I was definitely in a "funk".
Kaitlyn pulled me out of that funk. It was then that I realized life truly is precious, no matter how cheesy that is. You never know when it could end. If something isn't going the way you want it to then it just simplify isn't not meant to be. You need to be happy, to that that you need to do what makes you happy and be with the people who make you happy. If someone isn't doing that for you then you have to get over them. There's no need to hang onto people who don't want to hang onto you back. It's a harsh reality that I wish I would have learned earlier and in a much different way.
I hate that I wasn't as close with Kaitlyn as I once was, I wish I could say that it was different than that. I know, now, how important it is to keep in touch with the ones you love. Especially in college where it's so easy to toss aside the friends you were once close to in order to make room for all the new ones that you meet.
This very clearly isn't your typical "What I Learned in College" post, you can find those all over. This one is very near and dear to my heart, it's something I felt more people should know.
And honestly, I just wanted to write it for myself.
I love you, Kaitlyn.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
The Art of People Watching
For those of you who know me, you know one of my favorite things to do is people watch. Something about it just truly intrigues me. No matter where I am or what I'm doing there is a pretty solid chance that I'll get distracted by watching all the people around me.
Now I know that sounds kinda creepy. But let me try to explain myself a little by telling you about the inspiration for this post.
I'm currently sitting in a Starbucks in an area of Lexington referred to as Chevy Chase. (A little background of Chevy Chase is that it's just outside the University of Kentucky's campus as well as being just outside one of the more wealthier areas in Lexington. It's kinda smack dab in the middle of the two. So as you could guess, it provides to a very interesting array of people.) I originally came here to do some homework and study a little but typical Amanda got inspired by the people around me.
Heres a picture of what I'm sitting in the middle of:
Now I know that sounds kinda creepy. But let me try to explain myself a little by telling you about the inspiration for this post.
I'm currently sitting in a Starbucks in an area of Lexington referred to as Chevy Chase. (A little background of Chevy Chase is that it's just outside the University of Kentucky's campus as well as being just outside one of the more wealthier areas in Lexington. It's kinda smack dab in the middle of the two. So as you could guess, it provides to a very interesting array of people.) I originally came here to do some homework and study a little but typical Amanda got inspired by the people around me.
Heres a picture of what I'm sitting in the middle of:
- To the far right of me there's what seems to be a high school student tutoring a middle school student about geometry
- Directly to the right of me there is a man who put so much sugar and milk in his coffee I think he just should have ordered milk with a shot of coffee, he's taking pictures of himself for what I hope is Snapchat
- I can see 9 Mac computers without even turing my head to see the rest of the store, so I assume there are a lot of college students here to work on homework (like me)
- There are two businessmen talking loudly on the phone to a client about a faulty product they sold
- In the couch areas to my left there is a group of (what seems like) intellectual old men drinking black coffee and talking about something very passionately (and loudly)
- A little further to my left there is a table of senior sorority girls doing homework and talking (I know this because one actually used to be the president of my chapter)
- And a little after that there's a table of teenagers that must have walked here from the nearby middle school drinking nothing other than venti double chocolatey chip frappaccinos. Because what else could they get and actually like?
The point of this is that there is something truly amazing looking at all the different people in all the different stages of their life and, somehow, they all ended up here. The same place, doing close to the same things.
Earlier in the semester in my design class, we talked about how Starbucks was designed as a community. That it creates a bond between perfect strangers by just the logo on a cup. Until now, I never really realized how true this was. While no one is intermingling between groups, we all came here for the very same reason: to get things done and to drink coffee. Maybe this doesn't mean much to many people, but to me, I find nothing more interesting. I don't need music to focus on writing this or to do my homework. Just the chatter of all these people around me is music enough in my world.
So, with this, I want to challenge anyone reading this to take a step back and really observe whats around you. Whether this is in class, at the mall or a movie theater, or just in a coffee shop like me.
What you see may truly amaze you.
Monday, January 12, 2015
How to Have a Great Day
One // have breakfast at a local place
Honestly, if I can get my day started early, it normally ends up being a good day. (That is, if I get to choose to wake up early). To me, something about going to a quaint little local place for coffee and a donut bright and early is ideal. It doesn't happen often but when it does you know there is a smile on my face.
Throwback to breakfast over the summer with my friend and her sweet little sister |
Two // wear a great outfit
This can mean so much depending on the day and the mood. Sometimes I feel unstoppable in a tshirt and leggings, while other times it's jeans and wedges. Wearing something that you feel confident in is a sure-fire way to have a good day. You just can't have a bad day in a great outfit, can you?
![]() |
With this motto, you'll look fab in any outfit you wear |
Three // run errands
Maybe it's just me but I absolutely love running errands. Something about checking things off of a long list is so fulfilling. Then you can sit down at the end of the day and think "wow, look at all that stuff I did today" (a good reason to treat yourself to some ice cream, if you ask me).
Four // catch up on some online articles
College changed me. It changed me into an article-reading addict and buzzfeed is my drug. I can sit and read articles or watch videos for hours. Literally. Hours. (I say that because it's happened). They can make you laugh, learn some stuff or get some feels. It's so wonderful. A great way to pass time and entertain yourself. Here are a few of the ones I've read.... today...
Five // feed your latest Netflix addiction
Any day with Netflix is a day well spent.
.....That's all.
Six // jam to your favorite music in the car
You can listen to music anywhere but music in the car is just better. Especially loud music. Especially when you're by yourself. There's nothing like yelling the lyrics to your favorite guilty pleasure song. It's almost freeing. A place you can truly be yourself. No need to feel weird about dancing either, it doesn't matter what the man in the car next to you thinks. Plus, it's something you can do while driving to something less fun (ex a dentist appointment).
Seven // be with great people
This one is the most simple one. You can do almost anything with people you love and it always ends up being a great day.
Friday, January 9, 2015
One semester down
During the summer I thought "wow writing a blog would be so perfect to do during my freshman year of college"....... we see how well that one worked out.
As it turns out, college is a lot more than I was expecting. The word balance has never had so much meaning to me until August. Now, I know you always see pictures like the one below on Twitter and think "wow thats so me" but unless you've experienced college you have no idea how real it is. This balancing circle is the goal but, unfortunately, hardly ever the reality.
school // perhaps the most stressful thing about college (for very obvious reasons).
You're literally paying thousands of dollars for this education and it's completely up to you how well you learn it. You have to get up and go to class on your own even if its dreadfully cold at 8am. You are expected to do all your homework and sometimes they're due at completely illogical times (example 12:29pm). If you forget it? That sucks because more than likely you won't be granted an extension. Basically, your planner becomes your best friend.
social // the most fun part about college
College is one big, never-ending social experience. Everywhere you go is covered in people. New people, old people. Some you'll like, some you won't. It's funny to me thinking about how much socializing you really do, I honestly didn't realize it all until now. Just walking to the bathroom to brush your teeth in the morning you're likely to have a social interaction (and sometimes while you're brushing your teeth, those are always fun). Whats great about it all though? No one really cares. Everyone is just doing what they need to and everyone else gets it. And I really, really, really like that.
Another social aspect I love about college, greek life. I honestly can't say that I would have met half of the wonderful friends I have now if I hadn't gone greek. Which is totally corny and cheesy to say but hey, as long as it's true.
work // maybe more boring than school?
Does anyone really, truly want to work? Especially when you have homework and socializing you could be doing. But, man, it sure does suck when you don't do it and you see your bank account crying more and more. So you do it with a smile on your facing thinking about all the food you can buy afterwards. (Which any college student can say is where about 95% of their money goes because campus/dorm food is the potentially the worst food for your health)
family // so happy and comforting
Nothing is better than a home cooked meal from Mom and being harassed by Brother and Sister again. Its quite wonderful after not seeing them. Even though I go to college in the same city as my hometown I still miss this.
I'm not quite sure what the purpose of this blog post was, so I'm not quite sure how to end it. Sorta like a coming-back post, maybe? Hopefully I can get myself to sit down and write more because I truly do love it. I have so many ideas that would make great posts. I just have to get them into writing (the hard part).
Anyways, until next time
Amanda Kate
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